JUDICIARY Latest Features

Induction for newly appointed CMs, Registrars Kicks Off
Participants at the induction of newly appointed Chief Magistrates

KAMPALA: A four day programme designed to induct newly elevated Judicial Officers at the rank of Chief Magistrate and Registrar kicked off at the Judicial Training Institute.

The training that attracted 33 participants is meant to equip participants with the relevant knowledge and skills necessary for their new positions. It is further intended to familiarize the new appointees with new duties as well as to ensure that they are updated with the developments in legal jurisprudence.

Speaking at the training, the Executive Director of JTI, Hon. Justice Dr. Henry Peter Adonyo said the training was designed to cover salient aspects that a judicial officer is likely to be faced with in the course of dispensing justice.

"The induction is not designed for continuous training but intended as an entry route into judicial calling and new expectations for those climbing the ladder of judicial office." He urged participants to share their experiences.

The Chief Registrar, HW Esta Nambayo urged the participants to take the training seriously.

"....promotion comes with new challenges and that's why you have been called here to be taken through this training so that when you go back to your stations, you are able to address the new challenges."

She thanked the participants for honoring the invitation and urged them to make good use of the training which will equip them for their judicial career.

The training will be facilitated by the Chief Registrar, the Permanent Secretary to the Judiciary, Mr. Kagole Expedito Kivumbi, H/W Isah Serunkuma, H/W Phillip Odoki, H/W Vincent Mugabo, H/W Godfrey Kaweesa and H/W Jane Mugala, among others.

Different topics will be tackled during the induction and these include; the powers and functions of a Registrar/Chief Magistrate, the role of the Registrar/Chief Magistrate as sub accounting officers, the Role and Mandate of the Judicial Service Commission, Reforms in Administration of Justice, Leadership skills development, the Judicial Code of Conduct and Judicial Performance, Managing Retirement from Public Service, Protocol and Etiquette in the Government of Uganda, Public Relations and Customer Care among others.

Posted 25th, September 2018
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